was a strange month this year. It was like Mother Nature didn’t want to do
winter this year. We were a bit worried that pests and disease were going to be
an issue due to the lack of cold weather, but temperatures did drop enough
eventually that we’re confident it shouldn’t be an issue!
March has also been quite crazy this
year with the warm/cold/snow “storm” – it’s been quite the rollercoaster to say
the least. Most of our time has been spent testing and replenishing the soil,
so the warm days were quite welcome while working outdoors. We have been
expanding, so we’ve done a lot of digging, and I can assure you the soil
definitely froze! Some point soon, we will be installing a new fence to keep
out the local groundhog, Shadow.

As always, let us know if you have any questions!
Gourdgeously Good