January has been quite warm this year (comparatively speaking; winter is winter), so we’ve got a lot of weeding done! There is always more to do, but it’s nice to get a jump on things! Besides weeding, we’ve been planting our Cole crops, like cauliflower and kale. We also planted lettuce, spinach, turnips, eggplant, and various peppers. All of these newbie plants are starting their lives under our grow lights, but will be joining the outdoors in March and April.
Next month, February, is the month of snow usually. Currently, the outlook doesn’t look like too much will be going on (only a few days on the calendar suggesting the possibility of snow), but that usually changes quickly. As per usual, we will venture out on the “warm” days to check the gardens for any brave weedy material, but this month is mainly dedicated to our little indoor babies, prepping them for the big transplant.